Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
SEL Adds TiDL and Sampled Values Technologies to SEL-411L Line Protective Relay

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories has added Time-Domain Link (TiDL) technology and Sampled Values (SV) technology to the SEL-411L Advanced Line Differential Protection, Automation and Control System. The SEL-411L provides line current differential and distance protection for transmission lines. With these newest SEL-411L additions, SEL’s digital secondary system portfolio expands to include a line current differential solution for substation modernization efforts.
In TiDL and SV digital secondary systems, a merging unit in the substation yard digitizes analog data and I/O signals from primary equipment and then delivers them to protective relays in the control house via fiber-optic cables. By replacing traditional copper connections with fiber, these systems decrease costs, improve reliability and increase safety.
TiDL is a point-to-point digital secondary system solution that requires zero network engineering. When implemented, an SEL-TMU TiDL Merging Unit transmits data directly to as many as four SEL-400 series TiDL relays. TiDL’s data-sharing capabilities provide application flexibility, and it offers a strong cybersecurity posture because it does not require Ethernet switches, routers or external time sources.
SEL’s SV solution uses a network-based architecture that includes protection functions in the merging unit. SV merging units exchange data with SV relays via an Ethernet network. These SV devices are compliant with IEC 61850-9-2 and the UCA 61850-9-2LE guideline, offering device and manufacturer interoperability.
The SEL-411L TiDL and SV relays are configured using SEL Grid Configurator, a new software tool for creating, managing and deploying settings for SEL power system devices. It features a spreadsheet-style editor, protection visualization, comprehensive reporting, custom filters and multiple-device settings management. Grid Configurator makes it easy to configure and commission devices as well as custom topologies to fit each application.
To learn more about the SEL-411L, visit the product webpage. To learn more about TiDL and SV, visit the solutions webpage.